Sunday 25 December 2011

The Holiday – Steak, Family and a Turtle

Christmas in my family always starts with buying a great fir tree and miserably failing at decorating it in any shape or form that might approach a coordinated theme. It’s a free-for-all with all our favourite baubles finding their way on the branches. On Christmas Eve my family huddles together in our kitchen to cook steak and fries - my sister and mother doing most of the cooking while the rest of us are occasionally commissioned to hold a plate. During dinner we somehow always manage to listen to a list of solemn Christmas songs which inevitably makes us change the CD about halfway through. This year we actually lasted until the end! Next stage at our family extravaganza is lighting the candles and sparklers on the tree, talking about the year and wishing each other Merry Christmas. 

Basking in the atmosphere of Christmas usually triggers a silly debate in my family. This year: Which animal would be most suited to delivering the presents from under the tree to us? Prominent nominees were a parrot, a donkey and a turtle. Don’t ask me how that last one turned up…I have no clue and in the end, my sisters and I once again got the glamorous job! In short succession, the presents were opened and my family staged a Christmas Wii dance-a-thon…one of the presents which had innocently bated its time under the tree. The day ended with our traditional after Christmas movie night. This year "The Holiday" beat out "Love…Actually". Nancy Meyer’s dialogues as well as the characters and score are just a perfect combination for sophisticated hilarity.
I love the holidays and I hope you have a great time.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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